
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Gun Racks Wall

Are you a gun owner and want to display your guns in a safe manner? With a wall mount gun rack you can safely display your best rifle in a great way. There are many types of wall gun racks for you to select from to display the rifle of your choice. Featured below are the best selling wall gun display racks available for this year's hunting season. They make great gift ideas for hunters of all ages!

Image Credit: Allen Company Four Gun Wooden Gun Rack

Locking Gun Wall Racks

This adjustable rack can be installed over windows that measure between 18" to 26 ". Your rifles are protected from scratches because of the plastisol coating. Use the plastic coated steel cables to lock your guns. You can also use this rack to store items such as fishing poles, skis and other recreational / outdoor equipment.
Image Credit: Allen Company Three Gun Locking Gun Rack

Wall Mounted Rifle and Shotgun Display Case

This wall mounted display case comes in a variety of wood finished to match the decor of your home. You can also find it in single or double display. Click the link for more choices.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Medela Pump Style Advanced Breast Pump Go Tote

Medela Products 

Medela breast pumps make breastfeeding much easier for you and your child. By pumping your breast milk, you can have Dad help feed the baby. Feedings can be an important time for bonding between Dad and baby. You may also need time away to regenerate with an hour of yoga or a massage. Breast pumps help you continue to feed your baby the best milk it can have, while also enabling you to store milk for a sitter to use at a later time. The Medela Pump to go tote provides an excellent way to pump your breast milk and store it, at home or away. Medela offers a variety of breast pumps from electric/battery operated pumps to manual pumps. Medela breast pumps make great baby shower gifts as well as gifts for new moms or moms to be. Follow the link to see the entire collection of Medela breast pumps and accessories HERE ==> Medela Breast Pumps Image Credits:

The pump pictured above is a daily use breast pump with adjustable speed for mom's comfort. It has a battery, ideal for portability. It is a dual pump, which helps you pump more breast milk in less time. All of the breast pump accessories fit in the tote including the pvc free cooler with contoured ice pack.

This Medela pump uses Natural Expression action. What this means is that the pump starts with quick short suction, much like a baby does when they start breast feeding. After about two minutes, it will start suctioning for longer periods of time. How awesome is that?! Bag also brings breast milk storage. It can be sued with an AV plug, vehicle plug or battery powered (10 AA batteries).

This Medela breast pump is the hands free model. You can knit, work on the computer or care for baby while you pump. Compact, weighing less than a pound. Perfect for pumping at work or on vacation.

Medela Breast Pump Review on YouTube


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